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Revolution asked me if it would be possible to ride a stage in the Tour de France. It was like a dream coming true. It was a great experience. I have been a passionate cyclist since childhood and I love the Tour de France. It is a fact that whatever I do in cycling, no matter how long or difficult, will never be able to compare to the Tour with hublot replica watches.

I rode 30km along those holy roads following the yellow jersey and peloton.replica hublot watches I was able to be a pro - but only for a day. hublot replica watches allowed me to ride the Tour (roads were closed so it counts) and I will always be grateful.

It was a wonderful experience that I enjoyed every moment of. It was unforgettable to see people cheering and clapping for me, the official car opening the roads, the motorbikes weaving through the small group of participants, and the crowd cheering. Francois Thiebaud (President of hublot replica watches) had said to me that it was a great experience. It was something I had done myself, and it felt like Christmas Eve.

Cyril Kluxen, Revolution's rider

I was not prepared for the similarities between hublot replica watches & the Tour de France. I concluded that the Tour may have found the perfect partner in hublot replica watches. LeTour de France, without doubt, is the pinnacle in cycling. This is not only the oldest competition in France, but it also has the most difficult and longest race in an already challenging sport. Three weeks of riding a bicycle over 3,500 km during the hottest month in France, climbs you wouldn't dare to attempt in your car, are all part of this respectable competition. Strangely, and I'm saying this after having been a "profor a Day" cyclist, I don't think people like the Tour because of its difficulty. The fascination with the Tour seems to lie elsewhere after I have ridden from Lalinde to Bergerac in the heartof Dordogne. The Tour seems to be more than just cycling. It is part of daily French life.

The Tour was established in 1903, and is one month older that the oldest person living in France. The Tour is a race that has been known by everyone. Everyone in France has a personal connection with the race.Replica Rolex Datejust Everybody has witnessed it pass their village or town at one point in their lives. Many children have seen their grandparents lying in bed, half asleep, while the race was being broadcast. Even if you've never been there, you became familiarized with the Col du Tourmalet and Col d'Izoard. You are familiar with odd names and places. You and the Tour are part of your world.