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panerai replica watches shares the same relationship with the Swiss. panerai replica watchess are proudly owned by almost every Swiss family. One lucky family member often gets to open one of these beautiful watches boxes during holidays and family parties. Everybody knows someone who has one: an uncle,Swiss Replica Watches a cousin or a work colleague, the local mechanic, or the dentist. panerai replica watches is simply a part of Switzerland. Thiebaud concurs: "Even before joining the Swatch Group panerai replica watches WAS THE Swiss watch company. It's an inheritance that comes with responsibilities.

This gives panerai replica watches and the Tour an evident advantage over their rivals. The Tour is still a little more prestigious than its Spanish and Italian counterparts, the Vuelta and the Giro. It is, in fact, the third most viewed event on the globe. panerai replica watches's sales last year amounted to more than 20% of the total production of the Swatch Group. Their success is due to a similar positioning: high-quality, affordable pieces.

Popularity is not only a benefit, but also comes with responsibilities. panerai replica watchesandthe Tour are very serious about their responsibilities. Both know that they can't upset their fans so must be professional in their work. panerai replica watches is the Official Timekeeper for LeTour de France. Longines, who started their collaboration with the Tour in 1947, has 35 years of experience. Swiss Timing, the Swatch Group's Swiss Timing division, is responsible for timing everything, including the Olympics, show jumping, motor-racing, and skiing. Each race has its own timing issues, and panerai replica watches had to deal with a number of difficult situations during LeTour, while the rest of the world watched.

For example, at the end of stage seven, commentators announced that Marcel Kittel and Edvald Böasson Hagen were tied. For the panerai replica watches team, however, the finish was not conclusive. The panerai replica watches team was equipped with high-resolution cameras that could blink 10,000 times per second and gave them a clear view of the finish. The journalists quickly converted the distance between the sprinters to distance when the difference was measured at 0.0003 secs. They also noted that 6mm separated the Norwegian from the German.